A Bridge For Crossing…Faith



In 1985 my parents gave me a book for Christmas by Ardeth Greene Kapp entitled Echoes From The Prairies. This book has been across the continent with me twice as there are a few poems and passages that have touched me in it. The author writes of her father sharing the following poem, I would like to share it here…

An old man, going a lone highway,

Came at the evening, cold and gray,

To a chasm, vast and deep and wide,

Through which was flowing a sullen tide,

The old man crossed in the twilight dim,

The sullen stream had no fear for him,

But he turned when safe on the other side

And built a bridge to span the tide.

“Old man,” said a fellow pilgrim near,

“You are wasting strength with building here;

You journey will end wih the ending day;

You never again will pass this way;

You have crossed the chasm, deep and wide-

Why build you the bridge at eventide:”

The builder lifted his old gray head;

“Good friend, in the path I have come.” he said.

“There followeth after me today

A youth whose feet must pass this way.

This chasm that has been naught to me.

To that fair-haired youth may a pitfall be.

He, too, must cross in the twilight dim’

Good friend, I am building the bridge for him.


I have often thought of this poem when I question trials in the lives of good people. The greatest trials in my parents lives have been the greatest lessons in faith in my life. Their example, that has been the most evident in the most difficult of times for them, has been what carried me through many of my greatest trials. The same is true of others whom I have the deepest of respect for and have learned the greatest lessons of strength and faith…it has been because of their testimony, their strength, their example I have gained strength in my own life.

In the scriptures, stories of pioneers crossing the plains, family history…it is their darkest days, their endurance to the end that has inspired generations to come. The above poem (written by Will Allen Dromgool, “The Bridge Builder”) reminds me to look for the bridges others have built and to look for where I can build bridges for others.

This morning after work I was watching Super Soul Sunday and Oprah had Amanda Lingren, a young woman on who lost both of her legs below the knee to Meningitis. She spoke of warnings or “preparation” she had in the months before she became sick. She had always known she was meant for great things, and that those great things would require huge difficulties in her life. She has gone on to inspire and change the lives of thousands of others. Her life is on a different vibration and course than it ever would have been if she didn’t face her greatest trials. Thousands of lives wouldn’t be saved and inspired and lived to the fullest if Amanda hadn’t endured her almost unbearable circumstances.

I think of the thousands of lives that are changed, the children that are saved from harm because of advocates such as Elizabeth Smart and Alicia Kozakiewicz or John Walsh. All endured horrifying experiences but were able to take the changed course of their lives and inspire, protect, build bridges for others. Whether it is an example from the scriptures thousands of years ago or from a loved one that is in the refiner’s fire they had to make the difficult journey of their lowest times to be the strong witness of faith and endurance another may need to survive their darkest days.

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Because I have been given much…


I know it shouldn’t bug me cause we spent much more than we should have on gifts and indulgence this Christmas as well but Jusin Beiber got a 60 million dollar jet for Christmas…Maybe he could fly some food to one of the almost million children that live in poverty in Canada…it amazes me that we live in a world where one child can breath their last breath due to hunger or an illness that wasn’t cured because they couldn’t afford the medicine and another can get a $60 million jet plane or lamborghini for Christmas.

I know the common argument is that rich people earned their money or give a lot to charity and they are not responsible for a stranger who is starving or sick or living in poverty….but Why aren’t they?

As I look under my Christmas tree  where all the unwrapped presents are scattered, most still in the box because they are luxury items not necessities. We’ll enjoy them when we find time or get bored with everything else we have…and yet there are people in my city who have no food, no shelter, no compassion, no warm coat or clothes.

A few weeks ago my child needed a new warm coat because she didn’t have one and was taking the bus to work during a cold snap. I knew she was getting one at the end of the month from elsewhere but she needed one then, so I went out and bought one. There are many who must send their child out the door in the cold, knowing they are not warm enough, bundled in all they have at the moment. The parent’s heart breaking because they know their child is hungry and tired of the same meals, the only ones they can afford. Parents who work as hard as they can, trying to be there for their childs every need, trying to find proper child care when they do work and enough money for the basic necessities when they don’t…..and yet they are looked down on for not having money….and yet we raise a generation of kids who receive expensive gifts they aren’t grateful for, who throw away an abundance of food and waste and tell them if they serve at a soup kitchen once in a while or donate their outdated clothes that it’s okay to ignore the needs of others.

We claim to be a Christian nation yet I hear Christians complain constantly about those who are in need milking the system and making harsh judgements on who deserves help and who doesn’t. We say we want to be humanitarians but have 20 something pop stars getting $60 million dollar jets so they can run around the world acting like spoiled brats with no concern for others unless it is a publicity campaign.

While I tried hard to make this Christmas perfect for my family and loved ones and find joy in bringing them smiles, I gave weekly food and donations to those in need but I often feel like a failure….like I should and could do more. How do I live a life that is so full of joy, peace, warmth, love, food, clean water, all my needs and a bunch of wants when I know there are others who have needs I should and could find a way to meet.

I guess my New Years resolution is a continuation of my Good Works project for Willa’s Gift- to try harder to be kinder, to do more to help more, to spend less time thinking about the change I want to see and spend more time being the change there needs to be.

I hope that others will follow their resolutions to be kinder and more charitable. I know from experience that giving of yourself to others is the fastest way to find happiness for yourself. On February 12th I am giving a presentation at Ignite London on the benefit of Basic Needs prescriptions and Mental Health emergency rooms. While I try to stear clear of resolutions most years I found that the gratitude in my heart for the abundance of blessings this year has led to a strengthened desire to give and since I have little money to give to others I do have time and talent that Heavenly Father gave me and one of those things is a voice…to beg others to find someone in need and change their day…you could change their life.


Mothers of Angels


Discover the principles of faith taught by the mothers of Helaman’s stripling warriors. Read Alma 56:45–48 and 57:21. Review what “The Family: A Proclamation to the World” says about a mother’s role. With a mother, grandmother, or leader, discuss the qualities a woman needs in order to teach children to have faith and to base their decisions on gospel truths. How can these principles help you in your life today and help you prepare to be a faithful woman, wife, and mother? Record your thoughts and feelings in your journal.

There is no earthly calling more painful, lonely and overwhelming than that of a mother of an angel. Only the strongest of souls had Heavenly Father’s trust to fill this mission on earth. He knew the pain it would be, He endured it with His children who were apart from Him. Heavenly Father would rely on His most faithful of daughters to endure to the end, for it was a pain they would carry til reunited with their angel on the other side. He needed daughters that would ensure the family that remained on earth could survive this trial and endure to the end with her. These angels needed special moms who would love them for eternity with only moments to physically hold their angel in their arms.

No greater testimony will there be in this world than a mother grieving her child while living a life of faith. No loss requires a stronger sense of enduring to the end.



I could not very well meditate on faith without thinking of the faith that Mother’s of angels spread on this earth. The gift that they give to each and every one of us as they face their calling with grace, strength and Faith. Souls are saved, eternal destinies are changed by their fulfilling their most difficult mission on earth. Their reward will be great when their Father welcomes them home and the reunion will be eternally sweet for their divine and sacred mission here.

I will love the light for it shows me the way, yet I will endure the darkness because it shows me the stars.

Og Mandino

I know that each of us has much to do. Sometimes we feel overwhelmed by the tasks we face. But if we keep our priorities in order, we can accomplish all that we should. We can endure to the end regardless of temptations, problems, and challenges.

Joseph B. Wirthlin


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Gratitude: The Path To Happiness And Peace

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Good Works:

Therefore let your light so shine before this people, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father who is in heaven (3 Nephi 12:16).

I will help others and build the kingdom through righteous service.

I spent decades in search of happiness…I thought if only I had more money or a better job or a loving husband in my life I would find happiness. I looked for something on the outside to change, as soon as life was perfect…Then I would be happy.

When my life completely fell apart and I was at my very lowest a beloved spiritual advisor, my bishop at the time asked me to wake each morning and not ask Heavenly Father for anything for myself, not complain that things were not going my way but to only thank Him for things in my life and ask only for things for others. At first it was a struggle to find things to be grateful for, I was too focused on what I didn’t have but as I spent more and more time searching for things to thank Him for I began to realize how many blessings I truly had. As I started to focus on helping others, praying for others, I found an inner peace that replaced my feelings of depression, inadequacy and sorrow. As I prayed for others I found promptings from the spirit on ways I could help them. Anytime I began to feel sorry for myself and my situation I would get on my knees and pray for someone else to help…I spent holidays like Christmas that at one time was the saddest time of year for me finding joy in serving meals to homeless, giving gifts to the less fortunate, bringing smiles and comfort to those in pain…I found peace, happiness and gratitude. Depression that had plagued me since early childhood was lifted and an overwhelming and constant feeling of peace filled each day, no matter what the day brought.

So for Good Works for my gift for Willa I will be searching for ways to continue my holiday tradition of spending Christmas in service of others and seeking happiness for them with a firm knowledge that kindness and service to others is the greatest way to find the blessings and happiness in my own life.


Comfort and Hope


 “From our sorrow we might seek out the sweetness and the good that is often associated with and peculiar to our challenge. We can seek out those memorable moments that are frequently hidden by the pain and agony. We can find peace in extending ourselves to others, using our own experiences to provide hope and comfort. And we can always remember with great solemnity and gratitude Him who suffered most to make it all right for us. And by so doing we can be strengthened to bear our burdens in peace. And then, the ‘works of God’ might be manifest.”

—Richard C. Edgley, “For Thy Good,” Ensign, May 2002,

“It may be safely assumed that no person has ever lived entirely free of suffering and tribulation. Nor has there ever been a period in human history that did not have its full share of turmoil, ruin, and misery.

“When the pathway of life takes a cruel turn, there is the temptation to think or speak the phrase, ‘Why me?’ Self-incrimination is a common practice, even when we may have had no control over our difficulty. …

“However, at times there appears to be no light at the tunnel’s end—no dawn to break the night’s darkness. We feel surrounded by the pain of broken hearts, the disappointment of shattered dreams, and the despair of vanished hopes. We join in uttering the biblical plea, ‘Is there no balm in Gilead?’ We are inclined to view our own personal misfortunes through the distorted prism of pessimism. We feel abandoned, heartbroken, alone.

“To all who so despair, may I offer the assurance of the Psalmist’s words: ‘Weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning’ (Psalm 30:5).

“Whenever we are inclined to feel burdened down with the blows of life’s fight, let us remember that others have passed the same way, have endured, and then have overcome.”

—Thomas S. Monson, “Meeting Life’s Challenges,” Ensign, Nov. 1993


I once had a Bishop ask me “Would you be willing to die for your Heavenly Father?” I answered without hesitation “Yes, of course”…then he asked “But are you really willing to live for Him?” He continued “Would you live each day with His will guiding your actions? Would you have faith like Job when things go wrong or are you only willing to live a grateful life when all is well?”

Sufficient For Today…


I work every weekend so am unable to attend church. I often watch General Conference or BYUtv but also enjoy watching a show and reading books by Joel Osteen, who while not a member of my faith is truly a Christian with a strong testimony of a loving Heavenly Father.

In his book I DECLARE:31 Promises to Speak Over Your Life, He shares a story that touched me.

“During World War II, Corrie ten Boon and her Dutch family hid Jews from the Nazis and saved many lives. Eventually she was caught and put in prison. In the concentration camps she saw all kinds of atrocities. She even witnessed the deaths of her own father and sister. Through a series of unusual events Corrie was accidentially released and her life was spared. In spite of seeing all the senseless killings she never really became bitter. She even forgave the man who killed her family members.

Somebody asked her how she could make it through those dark days of seeing such terrible acts of hatred and still be loving and kind and forgiving. She answered the question with a story. She told how when she was a little girl, her father would take her on train rides throughout Europe. He would always purchase the tickets several weeks in advance. But he would never give her the ticket until right before they were boarding. Of course, she was a small girl, and he was concerned she might lose it or leave it at home. But whenever her father saw the headlights of the train pulling into the station he would hand his little daughter the ticket and they would step onboard together.

Corrie said to the person who asked how she could be so forgiving: “The reason you can’t fathom how I could not be filled with bitterness and hatred, is because just like my father and our train tickets, God doesn’t give us the grace we need until we’re about to step onboard. But if you were to ever go through something like I went through I can assure you God’s grace will be there to help you make it through the dark valleys and still keep your head held high and your heart filled with love”

Joel Osteen goes on to say ” Maybe right now you can’t see how to overcome an obstacle, accomplish your dreams, or forgive someone who hurt you, but understand that when you get there God will hand you the ticket. He purchased it two thousand years ago on a cross at Calvary.

Now when you come to a dark valley or a difficult season don’t worry about it. Your Heavenly Father will hand you the ticket. He will give you grace, the strength, the favor, the forgiveness, to do what you need to do.”




They Don’t Know What They Don’t Know…


Remember the worth of souls is great in the sight of God (D&C 18:10).

I am of infinite worth with my own divine mission, which I will strive to fulfill.

Today I spent some time decorating a home and fluffing out the branches of a small artificial Christmas tree. I rearranged each ornament trying to get them spread evenly around the little tree making a list in my head of small details and trimmings I wanted to pick up to add to the home’s festive decor. I laughed at myself as I returned over and over to the tree to fix a space or reposition a snowman…the person I was decorating it for would barely see that it is there and certainly wouldn’t know it was anything more than blurry balls of fading lights changing colours.

They have no idea of the hussle and bussle of the season, or what season it is and while they may for moments recognize Christmas music if played full blast, if they know it is Christmas chances are they believe it is one from decades ago in lands far away with family that now celebrates it as more of a birthday party for Jesus since they are on the other side of the veil….not one of the details that everyone does with care will they notice or be able to appreciate but they are worth it. As this person says “They don’t know what they don’t know”….but I know. I know that each person is worth it. That each is a child of God in need of love, respect, compassion and attention to detail because they are worth it even if they don’t know what they don’t know.don't know

For Individual Worth one of the requirements is to :

Read Doctrine and Covenants 18:10 and 121:45. Do all you can to build others and make them feel of worth. Every day for two weeks notice the worthwhile qualities and attributes of others. Acknowledge them verbally or in writing. In your journal write what you have learned about the worth of individuals and how your own confidence grows when you build others.

I try hard to do this through each day of life but I will be making a much more conscious effort to express those feelings and show them to others in a more prominent and caring way.


Butterflies and Dragonflies…Grateful For Each One.

willas 004The above picture is a little table I have set up in the corner of my room to always remember my gift to Willa and prayers and love to her mom. I love this vase because of the butterflies. My favorite story is of butterflies that were transformed from caterpillars. Today a sweet friend sent me this story about waterbugs  from the Healing Hearts website  ( http://www.healingheart.net/stories/waterbug.html )  and so I wanted to share this beautiful message.

The Water Bug Story

Down below the surface of a quiet pond lived a little colony of water bugs. They were a happy colony, living far away from the sun. For many months they were very busy, scurrying over the soft mud on the bottom of the pond. They did notice that every once in a while one of their colony seemed to lose interest in going about with its friends. Clinging to the stem of a pond lily, it gradually moved out of sight and was seen no more.

“Look!” said one of the water bugs to another, “One of our colony is climbing up the lily stalk. Where do you think she’s going?” Up, up, up it slowly went… Even as they watched, the water bug disappeared from sight. Its friends waited and waited but it didn’t return…

“That’s funny!” said one water bug to another… ” Wasn’t she happy here?” asked a second… “Where do you suppose she went?” wondered a third… No one had an answer. They were greatly puzzled.

Finally one of the water bugs gathered its friends together. “I have an idea. The next one of us who climbs up the lily stalk must promise to come back and tell us where he or she went and why.” “We promise” they said solemnly.

One spring day not long after the very water bug who had suggested the plan found himself climbing up the lily stalk. Up, up, up he went. Before he knew what was happening, he had broken through the surface of the water and fallen into the broad and free lily pad above.

When he awoke, he looked about with surprise. He couldn’t believe what he saw. A startling change had come over his old body. His movement revealed four silver wings and a long tail. Even as he struggled, he felt an impulse to move his wings… The warmth of the sun soon dried the moisture from his new body. He moved his wings again and suddenly found himself above the water.

He had become a dragonfly. Swooping and dipping in great curves, he flew through the air. He felt exhilarated in the new atmosphere.

By and by the new dragonfly landed happily on a lily pad to rest. Then it was that he chanced to look below to the bottom of the pond. Why, he was right above his old friends, the water bugs! There they were scurrying around, just as he had been doing some time before.

Then the dragonfly remembered the promise. without thinking, the dragonfly darted down. Suddenly he hit the surface of the water and bounced away. Now that he was a dragonfly, he could no longer go into the water…

“I can’t return!” he said in dismay. “At least I tried. But I can’t keep my promise. Even if I could go back, not one of the water bugs would know me in my new body. I guess I’ll just have to wait until they become dragonflies too. Then they’ll understand what has happened to me, and where I went.”

And the dragonfly winged off happily into its wonderful new world of sun and air…

Dear God, please remember the loved one who has left the pond we live in…and remember those left behind…



Thank God For The Atonement…


As part of my studying of the Atonement for Willa’s gift I am reading an awesome book that I think every Latter Day Saint would benefit from reading. It has given me a hope for my eternal future that I have never had before. It is called I’m Not Perfect Can I Still Go To Heaven? Finding Hope for the Celestial Kingdom Through the Atonement of Christ. by Anthony Sweat.

In chapter #7 The Perfect Atonement it says in part quoting Elder Merrill J. Bateman:

“In the garden and on the cross, Jesus saw each of us and not only bore our sins but also experienced our deepest feelings so he would know how to comfort and strengthen us…

The Savior’s atonement in the garden and on the cross is intimate as well as infinite- infinite in that it spans the eternities, intimate in that the Savior felt each person’s pains, sufferings, and sicknesses. Consequesntly he knows how to carry our sorrows and relieve our burdens hat we might be healed from within, be made whole persons, and receive everlasting joy in his kingdom.

None of us can rightly say, “Nobody understands me,” because there is One who does and probably understands you and me better than we understand ourselves. Jesus is so loving, and His Atonement so perfect, that He not only overcame death and suffered the penalty of each of our sins, but overcame everything that is connected to the fall of Adam: all our bad days, all our frustrations, all our temptations, all our sicknesses, our tears, our faults, and our failures.

Elder Jeffrey R. Holland taught: ” It was required, indeed it was central to the significance of the Atonement, that this perfect Son…had to know how the rest of humankind- us, all of us- would feel.”

In knowing that He had to suffer and endure my pain in order to know how to comfort and succor me, it helps me in times of difficulty to remember I too must learn unconditional love and how to comfort others. To be like Him, I too must feel pain and have experiences that will allow me to truly live a compassionate life.

As I see so many around me suffering with emotional pain, trials and spiritual stresses I was reminded of this counsel by Jeffrey R Holland that has comforted me in the past as I faced my most difficult trials.
